2020 Vision:  Training!

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The question I’m always asked is “where do we get workers from?” and “where do we get experienced workers?”.  I always answer the same way…  You got to grow your own!   And we can help with that!

The best way to grow your own workers and future managers and technicians is through training and investment into the people you have.  When you find that right person, the person you can teach anything to it’s on you to advance them and make them the best they can be.  And yes, we can help!  

More and more we are being asked to come in and do training by our customers.  Whether it's technical training, blue print or masking training, even safety and management training, we have the resources and the ability to help you.  Doing training over lunch in the “lunch and learn” format, more formal training in a break out session for key personnel, or even speaking in front of the entire company we’re here to help!  

And…  We want to!  

What better way to bring value and assistance to you, our valued customers, than by helping you develop the operators, technicians and key employees of the future and taking something not every owner, manager likes to do off your plate.  Public speaking is not for everyone and if you’re going to dedicate the time and resources, you want to get the most bang for your buck.  And speaking for myself I am yet to meet a microphone I haven’t fallen in love with!  Well…  you get it.  

So what training are you doing and want to do better?  What training so you know you need but are struggling with the what, how and when to do it?  Think about it and think about us.  We can help!  

And… as an added value, a lot of the training we can offer can be translated into Spanish.  With the help of your bilingual managers, solid and "makes sense" translation and my own bilingual abilities we can bring any training to your team in their 1st language where maybe learning and comprehension is more natural and easier.  yeah we got that!

So… Training your new years resolution?  Want to take some great employees and move them to the next level or up the ladder?  We’re here to help!  

Call me!  I’m around.